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Observera att en e-faktura inte ersätter BillBox Attestsystem eller liknande attestsystem på marknaden, utan är en metod att fånga indata! Vi samarbetar med Pagero som har tillgång till effektiva fakturaväxlar både i Sverige och Europa. Här får du en äkta e-faktura en faktura som ställs ut, tas emot och behandlas elektroniskt. Den är digital från […]

Wefunder, Inc. operates sections of where some Regulation D and A offerings are made. Wefunder supports three different federal laws that allow startups to raise money legally. To comply with the law, Wefunder Advisors LLC and Wefunder Portal LLC (both owned by Wefunder Inc) also list startups depending on the regulation used. Om du vill komma i kontakt med oss på telefon, ring 031-711 41 41. Du når oss säkrast måndag - fredag 9.00-16.30 . Du kan också göra en intresseanmälan eller lämna ett supportärende:

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Wefunder, Inc. operates sections of where some Regulation D and A offerings are made. Wefunder supports three different federal laws that allow startups to raise money legally. To comply with the law, Wefunder Advisors LLC and Wefunder Portal LLC (both owned by Wefunder Inc) also list startups depending on the regulation used. Om du vill komma i kontakt med oss på telefon, ring 031-711 41 41. Du når oss säkrast måndag - fredag 9.00-16.30 . Du kan också göra en intresseanmälan eller lämna ett supportärende: Login.

Wefunder Advisors is an exempt reporting adviser that makes filings with the SEC and certain states. Wefunder Advisors advises special purpose vehicles (SPVs) used in certain Regulation D offerings that are available on Wefunder Portal is a funding portal (CRD #283503) that is registered with the SEC and is a member of FINRA.

Holistic health coach eating disorder peer coach. Mom. Wefunder is the largest Regulation Crowdfunding portal. Billbox, Inc.: Incentivized medical payments, made for patients.

Billbox wefunder

KingsCrowd enables you to add all RegCF startup investments dating back to October 2017. If you cannot find a startup you have invested in, please write to to notify us.

Billbox wefunder

Billbox, with a $9 million valuation cap, is raising crowdfunding on Wefunder. The company has developed a medical billing solution made for patients. It will take care of the patient-responsibility part for healthcare professionals and give incentives to patients for taking care of their medical bills. Hey all,  Lex here. I went ahead and requested to close this WeFunderbecause we've had so much more investor interest than I could have ever imagined. I am copying much of the same investor update that I send those on our cap table below.  It has been a busy time, but what an incredible start to the year.

Billbox wefunder

| Wefunder Wefunder Advisors is an exempt reporting adviser that advises SPVs used in Reg D offerings. Wefunder Portal is a funding portal (CRD #283503) that operates sections of where some Regulation Crowdfunding offerings are made. Wefunder, Inc. operates sections of where some Regulation D and A offerings are made.
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As a Lead Investor, they advocate for Billbox, Inc.'s Wefunder investors. View on Wefunder Billbox is a medical billing solution that handles the patient-responsibility part for healthcare professionals. We send friendly text reminders instead of paper mail, make it easy to pay online from any device, and then reward patients by reporting paid bills to credit bureaus to help improve their score.
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Wefunder is the largest Regulation Crowdfunding portal. Billbox needs to convince physicians of the same fact: using Billbox will increase their bottom line

Take off on a non-committal pilot run. billbox Pilot 1 to 3 months at 1000,00/month. Leverage the trial period to work closely with your billbox account manager to discover the added value of our service for your business.

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Highlights: Total Net Investment since Last Week: $9,653,751. Platforms Republic, Wefunder and StartEngine accounts for 73% of all commitments last week.

Om du vill komma i kontakt med oss på telefon, ring 031-711 41 41. Du når oss säkrast måndag - fredag 9.00-16.30 . Du kan också göra en intresseanmälan eller lämna ett supportärende:

We simplify and speed up your work processes. billbox converts your business partner management to a digital, mobile workflow with an easy-to-understand interface, taking care of everything from document handling and auditing to payment processing and accounting. Wefunder Advisors is an exempt reporting adviser that advises SPVs used in Reg D offerings. Wefunder Portal is a funding portal (CRD #283503) that operates sections of where some Regulation Crowdfunding offerings are made.

10 years working in tech as a product designer and web strategist. Holistic health coach eating disorder peer coach. Mom. Wefunder is the largest Regulation Crowdfunding portal.